About the Journal

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Ikhlas Mengabdi
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Jurnal Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM) will publish a community service issues :

  1. Multidisciplinary Service: Jurnal  Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM) emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to community service, encompassing social sciences, economics, education, engineering, and other disciplines to investigate complex issues.
  2. Innovation and Problem-solving: Jurnal  Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM) focuses on publishing innovations and practical problem-solving that can have a direct positive impact on society. These articles should reflect tangible contributions to improving community well-being.
  3. Community Participation:  pays special attention to articles involving active community participation in the service process. Recognition and empowerment of the community are considered crucial for the success of service projects.
  4. Theoretical Development: The journal welcomes contributions that not only highlight practical aspects but also advance a deep theoretical understanding in the context of community service. Articulation of new concepts and critical thinking is appreciated.
  5. Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Jurnal  Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM) encourages research exploring the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development in the context of community service, with a focus on efforts that support environmental, economic, and social aspects.
  6. Evaluation and Reflection: Articles in this journal also include evaluations of service projects and reflections on best practices. Emphasis is placed on lessons learned that can be applied in other service contexts.

Jurnal  Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM) aims to be a comprehensive and in-depth source of knowledge for readers interested in understanding and participating in community service efforts with a holistic and diverse approach.

 Journal title  Jurnal Ikhlas Mengabdi (JIM)
 Subjects Community Service
 Language  English (preferred), Indonesia


 P-ISSN --
 Frequency  Twice a year in March and September
 OAI  https://journalserambi.org/index.php/jim/oai
 Editor in chief  Dr. Drs. Abubakar, M. Si
 Publisher  Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Aceh, Indonesia
 Citation Analysis  Google Scholar

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