Withdraw manuscript

Withdraw manuscript

Reasons for manuscript withdrawal

  1. One of the most common reasons for withdrawing a manuscript is when the researcher discovers errors or inaccuracies in their study that they may not have been aware of at the time of submission. In these cases, the author may choose to withdraw the manuscript in order to correct the errors before resubmitting it.
  2. Another reason for researchers withdrawing manuscripts would be due to the unreasonably long time taken by journals to review the paper. If this happens, researchers could choose to withdraw their paper and resubmit it to another journal to avoid further delays in publishing.
  3. Sometimes, researchers withdraw submitted manuscripts when they realize that the journal they have submitted to is possibly a predatory journal. They can choose to withdraw their manuscript and resubmit it to a journal of repute and standing.
  4. In some rare cases, duplicate submissions occur when a paper is accidentally submitted to more than one journal at the same time. This usually happens when there are multiple authors and, in this scenario, the manuscript should ideally be withdrawn from one of the two journals and the editors of both journals must be informed of the error. Here, it is important to remember that researchers must first complete the withdrawal process and formalities with a journal, in accordance to the standard rules of publication ethics, before they submit their manuscript to another journal.
  5. Sometimes, researchers may decide to withdraw their manuscript if they feel they have a better chance of publication in another journal, especially if it is a journal with a higher-impact factor or one with a more specific focus. This type of manuscript withdrawal, however, is considered unethical and is strongly discouraged in academic and scientific publishing. More